3 reasons Why Your marriage may not be working.

1. Sometimes marriage is not what you expected. Couples go into marriage expecting the relationship to continue as it was when they dated. Marriage is a different level of commitment that requires a new understanding and also different boundaries. For example, when dating, no one really cares how long their partner is out on the town with friends. Now as a spouse, there are household rules that may have not been discussed-but expected and can cause conflict within the marriage.

2. The romance is over. Married couples get settled pretty quickly and fall into a routine of 'boring comfort'. Days become more structured and less spontaneous. Marriage requires the same level of commitment as dating and when that does not happen, you look up and realize you are now roommates.

3.Divorce Benefits Outweigh Marriage Benefits. In this time, women realize they don't need a partner for children, finances or to excel in life. Women are now seeing, over the past couple of decades that they can make their own money, purchase items in their name and not need to be married to be seen. In that, women are becoming more empowered to live life on their own terms and not stay in a marriage that is not benefiting them in return.


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